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Pageant History {Part 7}

Wow we did it folks!
Welcome to the most recent pageant I did, part 7:
Miss Queen of the Lakes United States 2017!

This was my first time I ever competed in the system! Though I wasn't a stranger to it because I helped the night of the first Miss Brainerd/Baxter United States pageant a few years back. It was fun to try something new and it was a BLAST!!

I felt something in my gut to try this system and I wasn't sure how I would do but I knew I would enjoy the ride. As I walked into practice that one Sunday, I was certainly intimidated by everyone but not for long. The beautiful Vicki came to give me a warm welcome and told me to jump right in. The girls were so nice and it was fun to get back in the pageant game.

The thing that is different with this pageant is Bill and Vicki (Miss MN US State Directors aka most amazing people ever) work with their girls from day one. They will meet with you individually and work on whatever it may be. They bring an amazing attitude to the table that brightens up the room. That is something I have a lot of respect for them and all the other hard work they do.

As the first few practices walking was interesting to say the least for me to get used to again but thanks to the practice I was good! All the girls there in each division was so sweet and fun to be around. Made me look forward to each practice. I was quite shy the few times I had to be alone walking or talking but I think I did better every time I did it.

One thing that still means a lot to me was once in practice for walking Bill came back to me and told me I had a great look of confidence as I walked. You could just see it as I walked out on the stage. Thank you so much Bill! That comment will never leave my mind! Means so much! :D

I love the interview style in this pageant system, Round Robin style. This is the same type as from when I competed for Miss Minnesota International. Where you go to each judge and get interviewed for 3 minutes from each. It seems more like a conversation than an interview which I LOVE! Being able to practice with friends made it easier and was great to get the feedback.

The day of the pageant it was a crazy snow storm, that's Minnesota for ya! But the show must go on as they say lol. It got fun as each contestant and titleholder walked in the door, each brought a sense
of fun attitudes and calmness to enjoy the day.

I was doing my best to calm down and just be me, as interview came along I just did my best to relax. It all went pretty good. I had a few tough judges and one that just quit the interview way early so I brought up something that could keep it going for the rest of the time. Like come on you can't just stop talking to me as I have to sit there haha.

I felt way better after it was over. Now just time to lay back and chillax!

As time got closer and getting ready for everything to start the nerves came on. I just wanted to do good for my first time in the system. I knew I could... One thing I laugh at myself for to this day is that I kinda started to walk off stage too early but hopefully it wasn't that noticeable haha.

After that was on stage question, BAM THANK YOU MA'AM!! I think I did good! :D I got some good feedback from Bill after I walked backstage!

Swimsuit was next and ya know....BEYONCE BABY! Ha not quite but I rocked it as best as possible! It was interesting having people as close as they were to me as I was doing fitness. Slightly weird but hey I smiled and loved every part of it! Another thing I am grateful for is from my bud, Vanessa, she said that everyone was impressed that I walked out and showed my two scares. YAY! Mission Complete! (Same will happen at Miss MN! Judges watch for this lady's confidence!)

Finally, evening gown...honestly I wish I chose a better dress. Mine was not truly fitted to me and I had another one that could have worked but of course I think of these things after it's all done. HA!

After it's all done and over with I take a HUGE sigh of relief. It's over! After the time of waiting for the scores to get tallied, we got back out for awards. There were overall interview, fitness and evening gown...I didn't get any of those but that's ok!

For title time,
There was a Miss Runner-Up and the titleholder.
The runner up is....not me. All good!
The titleholder...nope not me. Still okay all good!
I was so happy for the gals next to me who got it! They are super kind as we all were. It just wasn't my time yet! God has a set time and place for it to happen if He has it in the will for my life.

As it was all over we are giving hugs and congratulations. People were asking if I was going to compete more in the system and I said yes you haven't seen the last of me! THAT IS TRUE!!

There you have it, we are all caught up! From the first pageant in 2011 to 2016! Next Miss Minnesota United States 2018 in February 2018! I am so excited to take you on the journey with me with every fun memory.

Thank you!
God Bless,
Miss Central Lakes United States 2018


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