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Here's To A Fabulous Adventure

Hey my beautiful peeps,

I am so honored and blessed to announce that I am your new Miss Central Lakes United States 2018!! I will be competing for Miss Minnesota United States 2018...maybe if I am so honored to be, MISS UNITED STATES!

A little bit about me, I am the youngest of 3 kids and an aunt to 5. I was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate, I've had about 15 surgeries to repair it up until I was 18 years old. I grew up in a Christian home and because of my surgeries my faith has a stronger base. God has shown me so much in every aspect in my life and I want to give my whole life to Him and honor Him with it. I work at my local newspaper as an accountant and in classifieds.

This isn't my first time in the pageant ring, I've done it for the past 6 years and Miss Minnesota United States will be my 8th pageant. This is my first time competing for a state title in this system and I've seen the amazing things they have done and I can't wait to be part of it. I've known the directors, Bill & Vicki for years and they have actually taught me everything I know for pageants. The things they have done with the program is fabulous they work with the girls and put so much into each contestant and titleholder. They work with the community and make it fun.

I first started my pageant career with my local hometown pageant, Miss Crosby-Ironton, in 2011 and again in 2012. Boy was that interesting and let me tell you I did not take losing well but that was my first time. I've grown from each one and learned how to take something for each experience.

With this blog I will documenting every moment with you all. I have a page for the blog, pictures and videos. Explore the blog site and click the subscribe in the upper right to be notified when a new blog is posted.

Thank you all and I can't wait for the fabulous adventures that lie ahead.
God bless!
-Tiffany Paul
Miss Central Lakes United States 2018


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