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Pageant History {Part 6}

Hello beautiful people,

For this one I did the same pageant as the last blog, Miss Brainerd Lakes/Central Lakes pageant. But this time it is WAY DIFFERENT!! To be honest I didn't like it this way.

So when I went for pageant orientation they told us about how the titles will be different. You know in the last blog how I told you there were 4 titles given and they were all separate. We had a whole bunch of girls that year. This year they didn't have enough for the 4 so they had to get rid of the Miss Central Lakes Outstanding Teen title.

The rules went like this:
- The Miss Brainerd Lakes pageant was now an 'open' pageant which means any girl in the state can compete. It used to be a 'closed' pageant in which girls only in the area could compete.
To me this was not fair...girls who know nothing of the area have a chance to represent it?? Sorry but don't really like that, that was my automatic thought after hearing that.

- Then all the Miss girls competing didn't get split up by title like years past. It would go by the three highest scores in the pageant.
     * Third highest score would be the first runner up in the Miss
     * Second highest score would be Miss Central Lakes
     * The highest score would be Miss Brainerd Lakes

Now that we got this out of the way and explained, let's get on with the story!

I have always been competitive in pageants even if I try not happens anyway. I have gotten better tho! At orientation I looked at the gals competing for the Miss title and there wasn’t many but a few. One was my buddy and she does amazing competing. The other I had no idea who she was but seemed nice.

Days after the orientation, I thought of what my talent was gonna be. I still wanted to be different...that’s my thing. So I kept the idea of baton twirling but something more eye catching. 
RIFLE TWIRLING IT IS!! I bought a drill rifle online and practiced my little heart out. It was so much fun! 

If I am correct, at this time I tried out a pageant coach. Someone I have heard of and a buddy of mine used. We tried a facetime session but then it started not working so we moved to the phone. It was just too complicated I didn’t move forward because she wanted me to go to her house which was very far away from me. It just wasn’t worth it.

I was truly excited at the time to see how everything would turn out. When it came the day of the pageant I thought I would vlog about it. So I did so a vlog and it was pretty cool because I am able to look back on that day. 

When I arrived that day of the pageant, I was nervous but ready as I could be. As we went out for practice that morning, I calmed down and enjoyed the ride. Then we were off to interviews, oh my land sakes the interview. When I went in it was great at first then it just was like bam question after another without any room to breathe. Alas I felt like I didn’t do my best. Oh well it happens.

 As time got closer and closer, I was chattin’ it up with one of the contestants, her and I agreed we were so nervous!! The other girls seemed more everything than us. At least I wasn’t the only one. It was nice letting it out.

As the pageant starts, nerves start to bundle. Onstage question comes and goes. Fitness was awesome, always love showing off those scars to inspire others!! Talent was next….I was going over it like crazy before I went out. Again like last year so nervous I was gonna drop it. But I gave it all to God and I was good.

This routine was all about honoring the troops with the song “American Soldier” by Toby Keith. I wanted to do my utmost best for any vets out in the audience. And I did AWESOME!!  Didn’t drop it and bam it was great!

Evening gown was good as it could be. Then FINALLY the moment.
As it was way different than years past I had no clue what to expect. 
So as the teens were done and queen crowned, the Miss step up!

I didn’t get the Spirit award like last year but that’s okay :D 
First Runner-Up: nope not me
Miss Central Lakes: still nope
Miss Brainerd Lakes: no

I was happy for them but it was a little stinger. I just reminded myself it wasn’t meant to be and I got some McDonalds afterwards lol. 

That was the last time I competed in the Miss America system as I have now aged out. I am now 24 years old and no longer have the opportunity to be Miss America. That’s completely ok with me. I now see where God wants to take me as it says in John 13:7:

Jesus replied, "You don't understand now what I am doing, but someday you will."

Next post I talk about the last pageant I did before I will compete Miss Minnesota United States 2018. We will be all up to date and soon I will have my crown and sash ready to represent!

God bless,
Miss Central Lakes United States 2018


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