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Showing posts from May, 2017

Pageant History {Part 3}

Good afternoon all, Today is such a beautiful day here in the lakes area!! Having my pup Tucker really makes it easier and more motivating to go for walks and (shocking to me) runs! That is one thing I am doing to get ready for Miss Minnesota US!! Another is I am using It Works products! You may have heard of this company it is the one that sells "That Crazy Wrap Thing". I actually used to be part of the company, yes I used to sell these products. But I stopped because I didn't like how I was being treated on my team. Other than that, I LOVE THESE PRODUCTS!!! The wraps are amazing along with others to truly enhance your results. If you are looking to tone up or anything check out my cousin's it works link and become a loyal customer, you get a discount on the products...she's not telling me to say this I'm just doing it because I wanted to let yall know of it! :D  So for pageant history part three, as I left off in the last...

Pageant History (Part 2)

Good evening all! So title update before I start, I got my crown and sash paid for and got a cute sweatshirt so I can proudly rep the Miss United States Organization! ON TO PART TWO, the second pageant I took part in was Miss Crosby-Ironton 2012 and it was a little different than the 2011 pageant. Now I found it interesting how I got signed up. One day when I was waiting around the house to see if I was gonna get a call to work (I was a waitress at the time at a hometown restaurant) I wanted to go for a drive around town. As I was driving I thought of getting a cup of coffee then I was thinking where to go. Home or the hospital's coffee shop? I then decided on the coffee shop that's where I ran into some family friends a gal who works with my mom and her daughter that I've known since I was young. We got to talking about the pageant and if I was gonna compete again. That's when I got the go to do it again. I got the call to go to work and then after I went to th...

Pageant History {Part 1}

Hello all my fabulous people! I thought of an interesting blog idea…I would love to tell you all about my previous pageant history. I’ll tell you all about my previous 7 pageants I’ve done starting with my  first  one, Miss Crosby-Ironton 2011. I also have a surprise for you all at the end! So stay tuned though the whole thing! Miss Crosby-Ironton (Miss C-I for short) is my hometown pageant. It was brought back after not being held for 15 years in 2010. I helped my dad as a stagehand and that’s where my love for pageant started. I did get quite crazy with it. As the summer progressed and time got closer and closer I was practicing as hard as I could. My mind was focused on one thing…BEING MISS CROSBY-IRONTON 2011! That is dangerous; never have your mind focused just on the title please! :D Now I did something that no contestant should ever do, spent a lot of time with the director. I would spend time at her house and help out with anything she needed or talk about pag...

Here's To A Fabulous Adventure

Hey my beautiful peeps, I am so honored and blessed to announce that I am your new Miss Central Lakes United States 2018!! I will be competing for Miss Minnesota United States 2018...maybe if I am so honored to be, MISS UNITED STATES! A little bit about me, I am the youngest of 3 kids and an aunt to 5. I was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate, I've had about 15 surgeries to repair it up until I was 18 years old. I grew up in a Christian home and because of my surgeries my faith has a stronger base. God has shown me so much in every aspect in my life and I want to give my whole life to Him and honor Him with it. I work at my local newspaper as an accountant and in classifieds. This isn't my first time in the pageant ring, I've done it for the past 6 years and Miss Minnesota United States will be my 8th pageant. This is my first time competing for a state title in this system and I've seen the amazing things they have done and I can't wait to be part of ...